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Despite the comparatively low morbidity rate, skin melanoma is known for its high mortality rate. High metastatic potential of the tumor, urges the necessity of improving methods of diagnostics, which can identify metastasis and assess the degree of dissemination at the early stage of disease.

We have analyzed results of ultrasound imaging of one of the earliest and frequent types of progression of melanoma - metastasis in regional lymphatic nodes. The article presents results of examination of 182 patients with skin melanoma with early metastasis in lymphatic nodes, also - characteristics of the image of tumor changes are described.

The high informativeness of ultrasound research for timely identification of metastatic changes and, respectively, the increase of the rate of survival of patients with skin melanoma are demonstrated.



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Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is well diagnosed with diagnostic beam methods in primary care outpatient care. The problem is the heterogeneity of this group of diseases, requiring differential diagnosis, on the basis of which individual treatment plan is developed. Morphological verification is a prerequisite for the effective management of such patients

Aim: was to improve the diagnosis of patients with different mediastinal lymph node using endobronchial ultrasonography (EBUS) by evaluation of EBUS cabinet, algorithmization and improvement of its structure and working procedure.

Materials and methods: for the period 2012-2016, 115 patients underwent endobronchial ultrasonography, in 71 cases of which (45,8%) EBUS was accompanied by fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB).

Results: we had investigated the capacity, efficiency Further development of and prospects were identified.

Conclusions: optimizing of structure of the EBUS cabinet, algorithmization of procedure can improve the level of the differential diagnosis in patients with mediastinal lymph node lesion anc reduce the time of examination of patients in this group.



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